What will happen to this forum after Lightwave departure from NewTek?

just give me access to all the ChatGPT server machines... and i will fix all the problems in the World.
[unlimited power]

Ah.. the desires and hopes we humans have.

yes, reaching for the sky...


just give me access to all the ChatGPT server machines... and i will fix all the problems in the World.
[unlimited power]

Yes, I suspected that, you also need to go under training to talk to the midiclorians, and make a deal to cheat death.
Lets hope anyway, that these forums are saved from the dark side.


"Anakin Skywalker displayed an unmatched level of determination, but was in the end consumed by the Dark Side"

SW blur.png

Zero hour is approaching. I have begun reorganizing the forum structure, and hope to complete this work today.

As mentioned earlier, this will especially impact LW-related forums. I bring this up not because I want to be bombarded with special requests, but because there are a lot of old friends here, and - given that there doesn't seem to be a specific venue to replace this one as of yet - you may want take this opportunity to wax nostalgic while you still can.

sorry, my English is a bit off, what does this mean,
"- you may want take this opportunity to wax nostalgic while you still can."

backup ?

Probably I haven´t done my homework now with the forum "transaction"

Info on when this change will happen?
Will the accounts here be shut down?
Private conversations we have had? is there a need to save all that as a backup locally?

and what about LightWave - Production Proven (lightwave3d.com) ?
Will that one still maintain as it is, or will it all be on the new Lightwave Digital site?
Just wondering if one should go to the current lightwave3d.com and backup pages, articles, magazines?
Probably I haven´t done my homework now with the forum "transaction"
Well, what can I say? I did try to give adequate warning.
Info on when this change will happen?

Me (above): Zero hour is approaching. I have begun reorganizing the forum structure, and hope to complete this work today.

Will the accounts here be shut down?​
Private conversations we have had? is there a need to save all that as a backup locally?
I think this would be cumbersome beyond imagining, but perhaps it's something to do while cloud watching? ;)
and what about LightWave - Production Proven (lightwave3d.com) ?
Will that one still maintain as it is, or will it all be on the new Lightwave Digital site?
I have no information on this, but imagine that's up to LWD.
Just wondering if one should go to the current lightwave3d.com and backup pages, articles, magazines?
I'd be surprised if they did not handle those assets with respect.
Broadly speaking, the forum revisions are complete ... almost.

All of the 'legacy' LW forms are basically read-only now, except this one. For old time's sake, I'm going to leave it open (in its new position at the top of the LW forum list) for the weekend, so that those who wish to reminisce can do so for a few more days. (I know, I'm just an old softie ... )