
Hey erikals..unfortunately here in oz, it actually is the case...arch viz is all done using max, vray (all the jobs advertised specify this very clearly) Not one job add has ever mention lightwave...if it did, I would jumped on it and made them hire me, its just the way it is...i'll keep using it for my freelance work for sure!!! If anyone knows of a production house in Melbourne Aust that uses lightwave, please let me know who they are so I can stalk them until they hire me lol!!

As far as the tutse go, there still might be some stuff to do, just have to wait for lw 2015 to settle in with bugs ironed out and then see if there's anything that might need to be updated tute wise such as Genoma II, I had a look at it and I think I know what they have done...IF I understand it correctly, you can create individual bone and set the parameters for its operation yourself...trying to see the initial advantages of it, still think the presets for genoma I are super quick...I guess genoma II allows for complete flexibility...just depends on your needs, the new bullet constraints stuff, probably needs a tute as well, hopefully newtek will make both tutes. LINO!!!! come on buddy!!!

When I think about it $500 to upgrade to an awesome 3D app such as lw2015 is a crap load better than $6000.00 or $3000.00 for an upgrade for maya lol!!! not buying it for that!!!! (if I get into the course...I'll check the student price, which will probably be around the same if not more then lw2015....if they think I suck, then I guess i'll upgrade to lw 2015 at some stage and keep doing my thing)

There are a few tutes i still want to do, that dont really require lw2015, just have to wait and see where my journey takes me from here.

How do you get the Lw 2015 manual????????????

it is located in the install directory..aprox...
C:\Program Files\NewTek\LightWave_2015\docs
dont know why they didn´t put it up in the account, a lot of people don´t seem to find it from scratch, and so was the case with me too.
By the way, the motors and car content is quite nice when you mix it with ragdoll and some other collision items, quite easy to showcase accidents etc.
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When I think about it $500 to upgrade to an awesome 3D app such as lw2015 is a crap load better than $6000.00 or $3000.00 for an upgrade for maya lol!!! not buying it for that!!!! (if I get into the course...I'll check the student price, which will probably be around the same if not more then lw2015....if they think I suck, then I guess i'll upgrade to lw 2015 at some stage and keep doing my thing)
Eh...maybe I misunderstood you.....but if you get into the course you´ll have access to all AD software for free.

And thanks for all the great tutorials. Found them to be very educational and inspiring. You sort of filled in a hole in the LW world so I can only hope you will continue making them.....but if you move on it is quite understandable......got to go where the job opportunities are.
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Make the manual location more obvious/ removing speedbumps/ selling more seats

Considering the repeated question of "Where's the manual?", I'd classify it as a design failure (polite 'bug') and take steps to make it more obvious to find.

It doesn't matter that it's THERE, it matters that enough customers are having trouble finding it. LW3dG's job is to make LW a pleasure to use, and leaving irritating speedbumps in the road does not serve that purpose.

- - - Updated - - -

Ivan, fwiw I've really appreciated your tutorials, and thanks for making them.

Please don't give up on LW.
LOL thanks people!!!....like a stooge I did a google search and found a thread mentioning the location, before coming in here :( , anyway...I found it and have been going over it. I checked genoma II and if I'm not mistaken, they have taken the bone setup options from layout and added them to modeler, which means you have to know how to rig manually, but you can save it to the mesh...personally I'm sticking to genoma I not even going to bother with genoma II, let alone make any tutes on it....Lino has a great tute on manual rigging (the one that came with Lw11 I think), just do it modeler instead of layout.

Hey Wickedpup: whilst doing the course, the educational institution (school, academy...whatever) has licenses for multiple computers for students to use (I'm sure we pay for it in the fees) As a student (must be enrolled and have proof) you can purchase software at student discounts...I think Maya cost $300-400 (instead of $6,000.00) for student, Lightwave is $100 I think for student copy of 2015 (instead of $1,500.00) something like that (sorry if I'm wrong)...you get the idea. I hope to continue making tutes, as long as they are relevant.

Looks as though i'll be going back to study in 2015, interview went really well, just waiting for the enrollment details etc (unless they decide to change their minds).
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