XD460 Control Surface with TriCaster 1 Pro?


New member
We're looking to upgrade to a new TriCaster but to keep costs down it would be good to reuse our existing XD460 control surface. Can anyone say if this is compatible with the 1 Pro?

Looking at the new control surfaces they seem to connect via the network but our old one only has a USB connection. If it still works would there be any loss in functionality?

TC1SP and MIniCS both use USB connection too, so your XD460 should work with TC1 PRO still too.

And Yes, you will have definitly less functionality options compared to the two (much) new(er) Flex CPs.
FYI I used a 460 controller on an 800 and it worked for except for the inputs that weren't on the 460. So I could control inputs 1-4, DDRs, GFX, Sound, etc. But if I had to put 5-8 in preview, it was with the keyboard or mouse.
The 460CS will operate exactly (same button layout) as if it was a TC1SP connected to a TriCaster 1 Pro.