Updating TC 460 Standard Edition


New member

The TC460 is running on Windows Embedded Standard, Service Pack 1. I cannot update the system through Windows update. The integrated web browser inside of the TC sowftware does not want to use anything else than the outdated Internet Explorer. I've tried changing the default borwser to both Edge and Firefox in Windows. No luck. I'm unable to configure the stream settings because of this.

Anyone out there who has overcome this?

... I'm unable to configure the stream settings because of this....
You always can use the ´customs´ option to enter your stream settings connection parameters manually, instead of a preset plug-in that may be not current any more, or because the browser is out of date because of elderly WIN OS.
I cannot update the system through Windows update. The integrated web browser inside of the TC sowftware does not want to use anything else than the outdated Internet Explorer
This was a problem, we had a couple of weeks ago when i posted in a previous post saying we had a internet connection problem on a TC Mini 4k. "Customs options " was the solution.
This was a problem, we had a couple of weeks ago when i posted in a previous post saying we had a internet connection problem on a TC Mini 4k. "Customs options " was the solution.

Can you link the post, so I can have a go? I'm unable to access any stream settings.
Can you link the post, so I can have a go? I'm unable to access any stream settings

It where i mention: 'Internet access isn’t what it should be'
Hi all
I'm Still have problems connecting to the internet on TC mini 4k is tends to be intermittent. My bandwidth is fine. We only going online with the TC when check if the live to Youtube is correct. This problem started a few weeks ago.
maybe this had been asked already, I can't remember right now.

Do you remember on any changes made to the system before 'problem started a few weeks ago' ?
Before this all was fine / you were happy, right?
we think that the problem is we cant update internet explorer and the system is running a older version. We not able to update it, Should we delete this old version of window explorer and try again?
If We were to download the latest version of windows 10 explorer on another windows computer on a memory stick, would i be able update the TC via memory stick download? also if its were possible, is the latest version ok to use or is there a periffic version of windows explorer required ?
Do you remember on any changes made to the system before 'problem started a few weeks ago' ?
Before this all was fine / you were happy, right
Hiya Frank
It all started when we tried to upgrade the system on the old Newtek website… some of the links aren’t very reliable just last week we had a problem with a Connect spark which we tried to update without any success .. it’s all time consuming & A bit frustrating, but it’s a learning curve. We Believe in the TC system.

All of the product updates are available at the Vizrt Product Update page. I've not tried all of the links, but if you find one not working let me know so I can put in a request.

Standard Edition will call Internet Explorer, this is what is embedded into the UI at the time . The ability to use another browser wasn't until Advanced Edition. Despite this, you can still continue to stream using RTMP, use a second computer if you need to perform any site management.
Hi Kane
We are using a TC mini 4k which is advanced edition I have set Google chrome as a default web browser, and still have problems connecting to the Internet and streaming to YouTube’s RTMP. It just times out. We don’t have this problem with our 410plus which is on the same network and is using the same software update which is the latest version. No problem getting on the Internet with the 410Plus .. I think the links are ok now on the Vizrt site but I think we got hit on the crossover. I’m not sure what happened with the link for the Connect spark that you sent to us. but that didn’t work so if you can put in a request to have that sorted out that be great because we still have 1 of the sparks left they don’t work very well.
Guten Morgen Joe,

I think it´s getting a bit confusion for us on the other end you put your post on this topic in different threads - e.g. this one into the thread with the titel ´Updating TC 460 Standard Edition´. I think I know why, but again confusion, especially for forum members who did not read your earlier posts on topic somewhere else :unsure:

It might be worth now to think about (again?), if you have some hours left for:
a) Factory Restore (you will fall back to system status as if unit leaving factory (WIN10, TC+ GPU Software versions, ...) - all ´user´ data put/installed on C:\ drive after delivery will be deleted!
b) run WIN10 Updates until today
c) install TC SW you prefer on unit these days + corresponding GPU driver
d) create a user backup of this sytsem status
e) installing Web Browser you prefer now

Again, my experience is this will take half a day or so to get thru all, especially starting from a Factory Restore partition which might be alread year(s) old.
This is why I create usually a new user backup from my ´updated´ System after installation process (full) of a new TC SW build.
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It might be worth now to think about (again?), if you have some hours left for:
a) Factory Restore (you will fall back to system status as if unit leaving factory (WIN10, TC+ GPU Software versions, ...) - all ´user´ data put/installed on C:\ drive after delivery will be deleted!
b) run WIN10 Updates until today
c) install TC SW you prefer on unit these days + corresponding GPU driver
d) create a user backup of this sytsem status
e) installing Web Browser you prefer now
Hi Frank,
It turnout that its just needed a window security up, all is working fine ...at the moment