Uk Yorkshire LW User Meeting


New member

I am organising a get together of LW users in the Yorkshire area, though any LW'er from anywhere is welcome, novice or advanced. It will be held in September in Leeds once August holidays are out of the way. Venue will be either a Leeds city centre pub or cafe so easy to get to. We will have LW up and running, so if anyone wants to show work etc, bring a usb stick along. I thought we could discuss/demo 11.6 features and other Siggraph news.

PM me or leave a message here if you are interested so we can get a suitable date organised to include as many as possible and confirm a venue.

Crap i used to Live near York as well and always wanted a local LW group to join. Have a good one everyone, wish i could be there but the beach at Beau Vallon and an ice cool Mojito beckons.