Regions not working for Country's outside Viz Artist


New member
Hello all!

My problem: I've made multiple variations of Region styles to be used for coloring countries (all loaded from DB). All of them are avaible and can be assigned to selected Countries WHEN I LAUNCH Map Editor from the scene in Viz Artist, but when I use Viz Director and launch Viz World Editor from template only few first Region styles I made are avaible for Countries, multiple styles are missing. The missing Regions Styles can be used with Area Shapes though.

I've made Styles for every variant in Map Designer's Style Editor and assigned all of them as Area.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? I can't figure out that why only few of the multiple Region styles work for Countrys although they seem identical excluding the material color...
Hello, I got exactly the same issue... Do you have found a solution since you post your message?