PCI-Express ?


Production Wizard
Hi All,

Finally back...and haven'e seen mention of this.

When is VT or the NextGen for NewTek going to come out....with PCI Express instead or other i/o connection ...instead of PCI ?

I'm looking to put together another system....and would like to keep it a PCIExpress only based system.

I'm looking to put together a fully resolution, frame rate, color space(floating point) independent system.

Looking to make this a post and finish system......

NewTek are you going to continue...the VT line...or updated everything to be turnkey for live production ala Tricaster...or will there be a build your own system (live and post) like the VT is....?

Don't tell NewTek, but I peeked inside my 3Play which presumably uses a variant of the HD hardware that will be in the XD300 and it's in a x16 PCI Express slot.