OZM / LightWave to Unity / beta 0.43 / texture & object updates

OZM / LightWave to Unity / beta 0.45 / collosion range test interior gallery 4th floor + object adds

the level currently requires 931 MB in RAM.

OZM / LightWave to Unity / beta 0.45 / collosion range test interior gallery 4th floor + object adds

the level currently requires 931 MB in RAM.

May I ask..
What are your incitaments to work with Unity, compared to work with Unreal..perhaps you have that in your schedule as well, or did you just decided to with Unity?
May I ask..
What are your incitaments to work with Unity, compared to work with Unreal..perhaps you have that in your schedule as well, or did you just decided to with Unity?
This was a joint decision with the customer because LoRaWan sensor data and the AI of the house are also integrated into the Unity Level. These functionalities are not integrated by me but by a computer scientist. (Programmer and specialist for LoRAWan data connection and AI). He wanted to be allowed to use Unity because he knows the program.
So it was more of a pragmatic decision. I could have taken unreal, but then the computer scientist would have had to learn to code in unreal first.


here the last stand of the level and some informations about it.
the video is unfortunately in german.
but you can see how the level looks and is built.
you can skip through the video and have a look.

If you turn on subtitles and auto translate, it gets it quite close.....;)

hi marc,

the youtube translator is a disaster.
i would have to transcribe the entire text for it to translate correctly.
unfortunately, i don't have the time. so i apologize. i'd better leave this out.
