NXCAM Camera Files


Run a search but didn't see anything. Will NXCAM camera files work directly in VT5.3? My first HD project that I need to edit and would like to output to Blu-ray and SD DVD.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

Hi. I'm looking for a newer camera and just tried putting some files from a demo Sony NX5u on the timeline. Am running into problems running mts files. Thought I would be looking for h264 files on my SD test media card but apparently they are encoded in NX5 as mts files.. Still trying to figure it out. Any help from experienced users with Sony NX recording platform and mts and VT5.3?? I I am looking for my test 720/30p files and 1080/30p files (also some interlaced files and SD files) on the SD card but having a hard time.
I'm still trying to figure out how and the best way to be able to edit these files in VT5.3 also. I tried re-coding them in Adobe Media Encoder to MPEG2 Blu-Ray format and they weren't readable that way either. Going to try re-coding to uncompressed AVI. I think that may work, but the file size may be huge and VT may struggle to play them. If you come up with something that works, that will maintain the quality let me know, and I'll do the same.
