NewTek Forum Updates

One more thing. When I read to the end of a thread, I click on the forum title to go back to the threads list and mark the thread I just finished as not having any new entries. However, this throws me back to the FIRST page in the threads. This is a PITA if I'm already 2 or more pages into a forum.

Fixable, or is it just more broccoli?
When I read to the end of a thread, I click on the forum title to go back to the threads list and mark the thread I just finished as not having any new entries.
Is that really necessary? My impression is that the forum keeps track of what you have read for you.

I was personally a little miffed that I couldn't reverse the post display order, so the newest posts appeared at the top. This has long been my practice, and I'm used to it. However, the new forum seems to be smart enough to automatically take me to the first unread post when I open a thread, so I'm not as annoyed as I was at first. I think I'd still like the option to reverse the display order, but this doesn't suck as much as I thought, and I'm trying to be open-minded about it.
curious about that one too, would be nice to see a similar function.

Is that really necessary? My impression is that the forum keeps track of what you have read for you.

I was personally a little miffed that I couldn't reverse the post display order, so the newest posts appeared at the top. This has long been my practice, and I'm used to it. However, the new forum seems to be smart enough to automatically take me to the first unread post when I open a thread, so I'm not as annoyed as I was at first. I think I'd still like the option to reverse the display order, but this doesn't suck as much as I thought, and I'm trying to be open-minded about it.
Hi, Steve.

I just read to the bottom of a thread on the 2nd page of this Forum, marked as "new entries".

When I used the browser Back button, I was back on the 2nd page, but the thread was not marked as "no new entries".

Back at the bottom of the thread again, when I clicked on the Forum title, I went back to the first page of the Forum, but on the 2nd page of the Forum, the thread I read through was now marked as "no new entries".

This is the way the Forum software has acted, at least for me, since before dirt.
When I used the browser Back button, I was back on the 2nd page, but the thread was not marked as "no new entries" ... when I clicked on the Forum title, I went back to the first page of the Forum, but on the 2nd page of the Forum, the thread I read through was now marked as "no new entries".

Yes, that's pretty much what I'd expect (I think Back doesn't reload the page from the site, but rather from your browser cache)

Can we get the tabs bac were we hide section we don't want to read

Apparently not.
Yes, that's pretty much what I'd expect (I think Back doesn't reload the page from the site, but rather from your browser cache)

Apparently not.

I prime time and example of why it is needed to move Everything Lightwave related to it´s own menu, without any other forum sections, Ivé said that before..and that was When we had an option to collapse sections, without is now even worse in that regards..hence I make my own website or bookmarkings of it.
But I don´t see why it would be such a trouble to move it within a submenu the way the foundry does it.
All you have to bother about then is to simpley bookmark that menu and all you will get is all Lightwave related stuff or tricaster or other product specific areas, not a single forum page for all the products.

In short, split the forums in to product specific ones.
Adding the sections to the bookmarks of watched forums is probably the best way right now, but unfortunately You can´t add the whole section and it´s subsections, you have to enter each section and add manually, which is a bit tedious.
I suppose when you have all that done, no major problem and you can have "watched forums" that as a start site.

Screenshot_2021-02-13 Watched forums.png
That's interesting - how did you add a forum to your 'watched' list? I haven't stumbled on that yet.
That's interesting - how did you add a forum to your 'watched' list? I haven't stumbled on that yet.

As I said before, you can´t add the whole lw community section, as for this sample below, it´s the Lightwave membership can´t add that as a whole group section, but once clicking on it, you have the subforum sections, those are available in the upper right corner, it´s the Watch button.
in my sample image it is highlighted blue because I clicked on it, but if not clicked on it will be just grey.
mark forum to watch list.jpg
So in the above case it will be the dynamic workshop added in to my watch list, and the others in the Lightwave membership zone will have to be added manually per subsection as well.

And while I am at it, this Lightwave membership zone is an endangered forum section species, it would serve the Lightwave community better to be moved it possible to a simply workshop forum section, togehter with newer workshops.

And now I fount the edit button just recently :)
It´s progressing.

To be clear again, you have to click enter every subsection forum to have the option up in the right corner to add as watched forum.
Obviously It seems have spare time over messing around with my own selections of the forum sections..

Quite easy this lightwave member forum main section, I just highlighted the subsections and copied them, pasted in to a WPS office spreadsheet and deleted subposts/items to get just the main sublinks cleared from everything else, when pasting in to WPS, the link adress is also once I had that list done, I just copied those and in the free Wix page, just pasted it in to a textbox, links are maintained, easy to adjust font´s and row size etc, bullet list.
Now..clicking on those links will work..but only if you are logged in at the Newtek forum main site.

I think I will remove some of those links since within that main Lightwave Membership Zone, there are things like the first link ( Newtek Announcements)
Which has nothing to do with workshops, and it is those I wanted to gather, I will replace that with nodal library workshop which is located somewhere else

Screenshots of that wix page and link again...( but beware, I will remove some links there and only keep workshop links.


And you can also just hit F12 for the web browser development tools, and select division class blocks and edit away tricaster and everything else none Lightwave related, if a lightwaver is what you are foremost that is :)
And then save it out locally, but it will only give you an html file you can start with, the actuall thread notifactions can´t be updated with that locally, but the links to the sections work.

Screenshot of my hack that is locally saved, removed all other sections not Lightwave related except for two sub sections in the first section Main newtek forum.

Screenshot_2021-02-13 NewTek Forums.png
How do we deal with broken links now? For instance there are a number of links inside the Assets/Plugins of the Lightwave 3D page that go to the LW forum and now they all seem to be broken. Not good!