London Lightwave


May the sauce be with you
OK, time to start arranging the next London gathering I think, after the fun of last night's Hilton session...

There was a general feeling that Feb would be good - how about Friday Feb 9?

For those who have not been before, we generally pick the Sakespear's Head, in Holborn - very easy to get to.

There's also the Yahoo group, (which includes maps and some photos)

I've started a new thread as the last one was huge and was not notifying new posts, (perhaps because it was huge!)

Dang, i was gonna ask for the 2nd, so i can start my Birthday weekend in style ;).

Chris: we usually do Fridays, which means the first one you can do is the 16th? Thats prolly doable for me.
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DogBoy said:
Dang, i was gonna ask for the 2nd, so i can start my Birthday weekend in style ;).

Chris: we usually do Fridays, which means the first one you can do is the 16th? Thats prolly doable for me.

Totally up to you guys. Ill come along if im about, if not, ill make the next one
jeremyhardin said:
So I'd get out at angel station if I'm coming by tube?

Yes, you would .... If you were coming to my house for dinner :-D.
If we are meeting for a boozers meet, then Holborn is best. The pub is called the Shakespeares Head and is about 5-10 doors down from the station.

I'd like to make it the 2nd (a week tomorrow) but am not fussed really.

Parm, TheDave, Chilli, what say you?
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So what happens at these things beside booze and more booze.

Is there a show and tell segment, eg. LW studios show off their latest works in progress??

And if one does come, can one visit said studios to see what people are doing or is that stalking and frowned upon. :D

Kuzey...the one who is thinking a month or two ahead of time :thumbsup:
I should also be good for any friday. I'll see if I can drag Lardbros along too. Oh and this time, everyone make yourself a card with your online name and avatar on it :D
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Kuzey said:
So what happens at these things beside booze and more booze.

Is there a show and tell segment, eg. LW studios show off their latest works in progress??

And if one does come, can one visit said studios to see what people are doing or is that stalking and frowned upon. :D

Kuzey...the one who is thinking a month or two ahead of time :thumbsup:

Nothing that formal... Though people have brought along laptops before now, (Bog has that rarest of toys, a laptiop with an Imax screen...) to show what they are working on, or prints. One time the Preset Central guy had his new surface system on a laptop, (which was very impressive).

And can I suggest a formal name-change to LightWave London Boozer's Group ;)


starbase1 said:
Are we on for this friday then guys? or next?

Don't change your plans now.... but if you arrange another meet in the future
could it be a Saturday,

Cheer, Have one on Me:)
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We are gathering once again for beer on this friday... Back in the Shakespears Head, Just around the corner .

Pub info:
It's on Kingsway, just sourth of Holborn Tube, and by a bunch of bus stops.
It's a BIG place!

Map Here:

My mobile phone number is: 0792-079-6138, as it may be difficult to find us if you do not recognise anyone!

Cheers, Nick
yay, i can spend the last hours of my 38th year nursing a hang over :thumbsup: :D

See you all there.
starbase1 said:
Are we on for this friday then guys? or next?

This friday - not so good for me. Next friday, on the other hand...

(and Holborn is a 10 minute walk from my office - so handy for me!)
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