Image Node panel


New member
Hi, im new in Python but i know other language code so i don't start from the beginning. Now i want to create a new node like Image node but with different input and output, but i do not understand how get the image panel with double click on the node.
The only node example i found is about the specular node but it's very limited.
Can someone help me and tell me how do it?
Thank you
You have to make the all controls by yourself. Make your own options() or panel() implementation.
If you know C/C++ don't waste your time writing node in Python.
Write it in C/C++. It'll work much much faster (rendering speed).
Thank you Sensei, i use C/C++ long time ago. There is some guide about how do it in this language, or free example node.
Done it but i don't understand how create the panel and open it by mouse click. I don't want all code but only the base code to do it without the fields or other option panel. I found something about lwsdk.LWPanels but not to much, and im not sure i need it or something else. Maybe i'll do other research hoping to find a more detailed guide
Thank you again