How do I GET RID of the GRAIN and Noise?


New member
I'm new be nice please.
How do I get rid of the grain/noise in renders?
Is is lighting or my texture or my render settings?
What is the most likely reason for this?


  • grain.jpg
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That looks fun.

In layout, press shift-c; press p - if the camera panel is open, this will close it... press p again if so.
See Minimum samples? Leave it at 1.
Maximum samples... change it to ... oh, 128.
Change the threshold to 0.3 to 0.05; the former will be faster, the latter cleaner.

If none of this is available, tick on "Adaptive Sampling".
Thank YOU Robert!
That looks so much better. See Image..

I am still getting a little more grain than I want. Any other suggestions?


  • get rid of noise and grain 2.jpg
    get rid of noise and grain 2.jpg
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Render Globals Pannel, Shading samples will reduce noise caused by shading (blured reflections for example) Light samples will reduce noise caused by soft shadow lights (area, dome etc)
Render Globals Pannel, Shading samples will reduce noise caused by shading (blured reflections for example) Light samples will reduce noise caused by soft shadow lights (area, dome etc)

How far do I need to push those numbers? I have Shading and Light at 200 right now and is helps some. Do I need to go higher or is my problem somewhere else?
Go back to that 128... Up it to ... gosh, give it a bigger number until you are happy or it is tooooo slow.

change the .3 to .05 to .01 to .001. The last number is an INSANE setting and may take days to render if the above number is more than 24.

It's about the numbers.

I would also go back and change those shading numbers to 48 and 48. The sampling numbers will take care of most of it.

Look for rendering tutorials by ian or dave gerrard; both are stellar artists that have this stuff down pat. I am but a parrot, repeating what they've sagely shared.
I looked at your image.
I gave you faster settings than quality.

Try these numbers:
Min Samples: 4
Max samples: 128
Reconstruction filter: Mitchell
Sampling pattern: Classic
Threshold: .01 to .001, with the latter being a lot longer to render.
See if you like oversample or not: .3 to 1

Try those numbers. Threshold and Max sample are your variables, in general, when rendering. The Min samples can be mucked around with but 1 makes for the quickest render. In this case, I said 4 because I figure you want all the stair steps gone and this will give the max sample a bit less to chew on, as it were.
Thank You THank YOU! check before and after.
I will also check out some of the tuts you suggested.:D

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Thank You THank YOU! check before and after.
I will also check out some of the tuts you suggested.:D

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Thank You THank YOU! check before and after.
I will also check out some of the tuts you suggested.:D


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