HDV 4 channel audio ingest to VT5-SE

Ty Whitaker

Friend of Prince of Space
Hi Everyone,

For the first time yesterday I had to use the 4 channel audio option on my Sony 270 HDV camera. Now I have to get the footage into SpeedEditVT with all 4 audio tracks and the video as HD. The only way I've found is to use the compact flash card files which have tracks 1 & 2, then re digitize off tape as DV selecting tracks 3 & 4. Then I put everything on the timeline, sync up the clips, and re render as "something" HD with 4 channels of audio.

Does anyone know of a better way?

My NewTek SDI card is SD only so I can't go that way.
I thought I could firewire in the m2t files with all the audio.
