Experiments on several levels


Curmudgeon in Training
It's been slow here so I thought I'd post this test.

It's for a Volumetric Null, but it's also a test of of getting KitBash to import w/o issue.

In the case of KitBash, I was over complicating things. There's a simple Move of the texture files into the structure formed when unzipping the objects file (so extract that first), so no further action is needed when importing into, such as editing the mtl file.

The naming structure of the textures is correct in that it works well with Oliver's PBR Importer.

The Volumetric mull is scaled of course, in this case to: 555X 121Y 555Z

The structures are positioned such that the Volu Null extends from just behind the first structure, to well beyond the 4th way over there3 on the right, which is just a of dupe of the 1st structure.

Aftermath & Volumetric Test.jpg
I think a proper description would be, "fog, mist" with volumetric items.

Glad to see more people picking up on this, I use it as well from time to time.
Remember that scatter, density levels should be very low..If you have a very large sized volume item, you can use both none pyroclastic ..which is textured volume, or the one that is just no hypertexture and no pyroclastic( yeah..it´s weird that they chose to name it none pyroclastic instead of just hypertextured)
They behave a little different though, generally I go for the hypertextured volume anyway, even though we often just need the volume and not the texture.
Naming of items isn't exactly their forte. Ya still a lot of yet experimenting with textures. The volume is ~ 300M deep on Z.
The volume is ~ 300M deep on Z.
Yeah, that is interesting.
When you look at slight fog, haze..or just turbidlity in the air, the same density amount of not so much density could be in front of your eyes, perhaps 400 meters..and you wouldn´t recognize it as visible as fog etc, but at distance...we can perceive it as haze, mist or fog much more prominent.

Did you use Dp sunsky as backdrop, it looks like that, or physical sky? and if so..what model, Hosek Wilkies?
Nishita model is great for sunsets and similar..when mixing with either volume fog items, or global scattering, though it´s not working very nice in Lightwave, in another program that works much nicer in performance and looks as well.

Here´s some older volume fog items I made some time ago, you probably have seen it before though..

Layout_IvXjpBne1N by Michael Ivarsson, on Flickr
It's just an HDR. Less things to fiddle with for now. I do remember that image. I've some Western sets to eventually do this for.
It's just an HDR. Less things to fiddle with for now. I do remember that image. I've some Western sets to eventually do this for.
Mine are pure Dp sunsky, both of them, and also true volumetric clouds, at the expense of rendering very much slower than yours.
The OTHER experiment has nothing to do with Lightwave, at least directly.

After decades of using Logitec trackballs, I decided to make the leap to not only a different brand, still a tracball but NOT using the thumb rather the index & middle. Basically my muscle memory reflexes have been switched.

Remember those experiments in the '60's where the had test subjects wear goggles with inverting lenses? Sort of like that, but I've 95% picked it up & I got it yesterday. Couple of the first hours were lost trying to get the Companion app to install, which it did, but with the menus in Japanese. Oh, THAT menu is in the lower left... that you can't see at first!

But I've gotz buttons plus now...