Custom for Panel

Do you mean if you can integrate an image in the panel or in the title bar?
If you want to put an image in a panel you need to look at the "canvasl" control.

If you want to custom draw directly to panel you can use:

Your panel draw callback.

   typedef struct st_LWPanelFuncs {
      DrawFuncs   *drawFuncs;
   } LWPanelFuncs;

   typedef struct st_DrawFuncs {
      void (*drawPixel)   (LWPanelID, int color, int x, int y);
      void (*drawRGBPixel)(LWPanelID, int r, int g, int b, int x, int y);
      void (*drawLine)    (LWPanelID, int color, int x1, int y1, int x2,
                             int y2);
      void (*drawBox)     (LWPanelID, int color, int x, int y, int w,
                             int h);
      void (*drawRGBBox)  (LWPanelID, int r, int g, int b, int x, int y,
                             int w, int h);
      void (*drawBorder)  (LWPanelID, int indent, int x, int y, int w,
                             int h);
      int  (*textWidth)   (LWPanelID, char *text);
      void (*drawText)    (LWPanelID, char *text, int color, int x,
                             int y);
      const LWDisplayMetrics *(*dispMetrics)();
   } DrawFuncs;

c = CANVAS_CTL( pf, pan, label, w, h )
A bordered rectangle for convenient drawing. The width and height don't include the border, so the rectangle (0, 0, w-1, h-1) (relative to the control's HOTX and HOTY) lies inside the border.

Read docs
search for keyword: draw

also you can make OpenGL control with:

c = OPENGL_CTL( pf, pan, label, width, height )
This creates and initializes an OpenGL window. LWPanels takes care of the platform specific setup for the window. You can draw in this window using standard OpenGL function calls during your event and draw callbacks for the control.