Countdown Timer?


New member
I'd love to have a countdown timer within the TriCaster that I can throw into a pip on the multi view or as a source back to Live Call Connect...
Hi Kane, I installed it last week on my Mini HDMI withAE3, it would not pick the laptop up. Same IP. Maybe the MINI too old?
There was a (stupid) bug that I just fixed a few days ago, download the DataLink Timer app again and see if it works.
Kane, I installed the latest version of the DataLink Timer, but the web GUI is still showing the older version. Have uninstalled both versions via Windows uninstaller, and reinstalled the latest version, but same issue.
Press SHIFT+F5 a few times in the web browser. Likely the browser is loading the data from browser's cache, not from the TriCaster. SHIFT+F5 will force a reload of the page from the server (TriCaster).
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