Cleo and Figaro


Curmudgeon in Training
Continuing with my water theme I guess, this definite W.I.P. is actually several accidental revisits of sorts. The architectural element is my first or second exporting dabble (more to come), so between trying to translate "that which is Daz w/o docs" (TWIDWO), and the changes, quirks, etc. with LW over the same time period, (no acronym, just fact) it was all pretty much a moving target. Now let's throw in COVID and having to return to LA twice just to make sure I'm utterly befuddled, 'K? :)

After a LOT of Trial & Error, & finally winnowing the chaff, I got a pretty good workflow now. For example, when a surface says it's glass (you always check), but the geometry isn't correct for dielectric glass, it's an easy fix. Other geometry issues w/ older models, morph exports, PBR surfacing, etc. really vary by artist so not entirely under Daz's control; they're just horrible at QC.

But this current revisit all started with the little guy in the bowl.

I've had him ~ 8 mo., but haven't been able to export him with his morphs. I've exported hundreds of models in FBX with their morphs w/o problems. Tried to find out why. TWIDWO. The short version of this is that the Daz forums were zero (or less) help.

But while waiting, I recalled a utility I purchased years ago that I never really tried other than kicking the tires to make sure it worked. After a few "almosts", got it working in conjunction with "Bg to Morph" in Modeler. Need to figure out how to streamline or script the process perhaps, but this is really the first time I've need to do this sort of thing.

OK, so now got him working but need a place to put him to show him off. After three other false starts, I decided that it's not just Goldy (as Cleo), but I needed a full environment to reflect & refract in that bowl, which itself turns out to be a character. I've a number of interior sets, but few suitable.

So I went with the "FG Moderno Casa" by Fugazi1968, aka "Casa Fugazi", and as I said one of my earliest purchases and export to LW efforts, so seeing oodles of mistakes compared to what I currently use.

And sort of like Ripley to Newt, "Oh, oh. Now I made a clean spot", (you can correct me on the exact quote, Prom), it started getting out of hand, but in a good way. Never knew why or where I'd use a pose like that for Tux Cat (as Figaro), but here it was fitting & had a cat once that would do just that!

Had to kick samples up to 9's & 5's for all the glass & water. Probably spent 2-3 tracking that down some time back, in conjunction to having the HDR vis to camera. Makes sense in hindsight, but the kind of "rub your tummy, ..." etc. stuff that I hope gets addressed by the new team.

As a side note, I hope one of the hidden benefits the LW transition to Lightwave Digital, is that those we haven't heard from it some time, most likely gagged by NDA's, can and want to speak here again. I was a regular attendee of the LA LWUG in Burbank and I miss having that access, and with that gone on the forum as well ...

Casa Fugazi & Cleo and Figaro.jpg
Hmm, just me here I see. 's Ok.

Perhaps I should have posted a render of what I started with out-of-the-box with the Daz product to see where all this started when I brought it into Lightwave.

Casa Fugazi Cam#2 REF.jpg

Alright in some ways but... wow. Let's take everything up to Eleven! And I've no idea what that is on the table.

And what I've done so far ...

Casa Fugazi Orig Cam1.jpg

And here's Cleo & Fig as a yardstick. Exact same lighting.

Casa Fugazi Cleo & Figaro & Jenny.jpg

I almost have the brick wall figured. Found another map for it I didn't know about looking for something else. But of course.

And of course Tux got those tail hair implants he's been waiting for. Actually I didn't know he needed until this shot.
The cat´s pose make me uneasy though :) I know cat´s are flexible...but, I know cat´s can do a similar pose, but not quite that extreme, seems like it
uplifts the physical properties of bones and anatomy here, the head isn´t bending and flowing together with the neck bend, so it´s like you just have a head in 3d format, rotated with no bone constraint, so I would just ease up on that, since it just doesn´t look right and realistic, the back of the neck and spine would probably have a different pose if the head is in that state.

Lighting a little dull flat on the cleo and figure images, guess it´s just a boring day outside and no light´s active inside the room?

The two rooms are nice, though I prefer the more lit version, the darker version could use a stronger light intensity falloff towards the floor, it´s like there is light but still no light.

Goldfish, make it pbr shiney and reflective.

The painting of the girl with red hair is much more nicer as a contrast in the room, rather than a white board with some branches, so stick with that one for interior design :)
The chairs are nice, the style that I want in my kitchen when I can find affordable ones like that.
But please, clean the floor and remove the sandals before showcasing the room 😁
The cat´s pose make me uneasy though :) I know cat´s are flexible...but, I know cat´s can do a similar pose, but not quite that extreme, seems like it
uplifts the physical properties of bones and anatomy here, the head isn´t bending and flowing together with the neck bend, so it´s like you just have a head in 3d format, rotated with no bone constraint, so I would just ease up on that, since it just doesn´t look right and realistic, the back of the neck and spine would probably have a different pose if the head is in that state.

... and NOT the 'Toon goldfish. ;)

You might think differently if you ever knew one cat I had. Named Gonzo, as that was the only name appropriate. Adopted him from a family that literally had a menagerie, so Gonzy spent his formative months being raised with raccoons. Absolutely loved water. We no longer had goldfish but still had the huge bowl; convenient when you now had four felines. Gonzo would drop is dry crunchies into the bowl, then fish them out before eating. Couldn't figure out this "ploosh, plooosh" sound we heard at at first.

We lived in a two story townhouse with carpeted stairs. Gonzy loved to somer-sault down the stairs. Both flights, then run back up & do it again. Everyone commented on "this cat has no bones" as he was so flexible.

Lighting a little dull flat on the cleo and figure images, guess it´s just a boring day outside and no light´s active inside the room?

The two rooms are nice, though I prefer the more lit version, the darker version could use a stronger light intensity falloff towards the floor, it´s like there is light but still no light.
That was the test aspect and I'm a bit surprised at the difference so have to see if something changed on me. Different camera but both at Frm 0. Somewhat like a real set, new camera angle, new lighting setup.

Also using Portals too & not recalling now what the issue was exactly that Tim reported some years back, so will have to check.

I'd go nuts in the "Level 11" room; too bright & shiny while at the same time being bland. Daz needs to do that for various reasons. But I regard it now sort of like KitBash in that it's just a starting place. All of this stuff depends on how much time

Goldfish, make it pbr shiney and reflective.

Fixed. Again.

Your at the mercy with some of the mapping. Some have full set of maps, many ya have to wing it a bit w/ only 2-3. Depending, I either used the OD tools PBR tool or the db&w one. There are a couple things with the latter that Mike knows about to fix, one is that the toggle to invert roughness doesn't stay set if you save a library preset or rather when you recall it.

The painting of the girl with red hair is much more nicer as a contrast in the room, rather than a white board with some branches, so stick with that one for interior design :)
The chairs are nice, the style that I want in my kitchen when I can find affordable ones like that.

That's Simone at 15, now 23 or so, and I agree.

I change things as I see its not working for me, or that something seems missing. Or a "wouldn't it be neat if ..." moment happens.

But please, clean the floor and remove the sandals before showcasing the room 😁


It's just one, a chewed one at that, & you'll have to talk to Phydeaux in the bedroom about that.

Last place I rented in Pasadena, I had to pass inspection from this fella:

The Doctor.jpg