

New member

Hi all.
I have been enjoying the sketches uploaded here, so I thought I would share some of my own.
These are just quick rough character concepts.

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nice images , I love the style , i could never draw like that .
I enjoy the way everyone has a different approach to drawing .

love your forest sprint , CLASS!
Thanks for your comments guys.
I spent the last decade learning Lightwave, neglecting my painting and drawing skills somewhat, which is where I started before 3d. So this year I wanted to focus back to drawing and painting.
Here is an armour study I finished up today.

Good on you Trevor, nice sketches. :) Last year I went back to life drawing and portrait painting after more than two decades of 3D. it's hard but well worth it. I'm still rubbish but I can see an improvement. Great for the soul and analyzing what works in images.
Thankyou Drewblit.
My imagination and ideas are bigger than my ability to paint them in a convincing manner!
With that in mind, i'm studying to paint different materials. I put 3 hours into this frog study, I figured it would be beneficial for creature type characters.

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Thankyou Drewblit.
I put 3 hours into this frog study, I figured it would be beneficial for creature type characters.

Hey that looks great. :thumbsup: I hadn't really thought doing studies of creatures like that. It makes a lot of sense for creature/character reference. I think I may look and doing something along those lines, so keep going Trevor.
Thanks again Drewblit.
I worked on some medieval costume stuff today. Two birds with one stone with this one, practice painting folds in cloth, with some conceptual crest and colour ideas.

cool stuff, love the frog. I very recently started training myself properly in art (mostly pensil and charcoal/chalk) and regret I didn't start earlier, im loving it :D
looking forward to new pieces, even quick sketches :thumbsup:
cool stuff, love the frog. I very recently started training myself properly in art (mostly pensil and charcoal/chalk) and regret I didn't start earlier, im loving it :D
looking forward to new pieces, even quick sketches :thumbsup:

Cool, keep at it. As much as I like digital work you just can't beat the feedback from real materials, better on your eyes too, staring at a monitor all day can't be good.

Great work Trevor,
The frog painting for 3 hours is terrific :thumbsup:


An update on this guy.

Here is a female character concept. My first sketches were not working for me. The first one is like, look mum I found a sword :D The second was better, there is a little attitude in there but not what I was going for.
The third one was more like it so thats the one I started to render.
I was going for a calm inner strength.

Thanks cresshead.
I find myself at the moment like most artists I guess, struggling that line between what I actually want to draw and paint and what the entertainment industry wants, or worse what I think it wants! I havn't figured that out. Trends in art elude me.

My dream job would be a concept artist, with that in mind I have been working on vehicle design, enviroments, creatures and characters. I am trying to get better and faster with every waking hour I have free to achieve that goal.

Mailman portrait.
A new character I have been working on. I am experimenting with new styles in an effort to move away from a digital painted look.

those last two are splendid Trevor, I especially like the old man...I hope you can find your dream job soon, I think you certainly have the skill :)
very nice colors, the golden stripes on the dress are lovely ! although I do find her facial fetures a bit the way, do you reference the pose in any way ? I still have a lot of trouble with perspective especially from strange angles, so i was considering buying one of these wooden mannequins do you think it would help out ?
very nice colors, the golden stripes on the dress are lovely ! although I do find her facial fetures a bit the way, do you reference the pose in any way ? I still have a lot of trouble with perspective especially from strange angles, so i was considering buying one of these wooden mannequins do you think it would help out ?

I think it's great that Trevor is working steadily on developing some images, however I do agree a bit with her look.
Trevor what are you saying with her out stretched limp wrist?
What about making it more forceful, pointing with dynamic fingers?
Her face is a good start though she seems to not have an expression, work out what emotion she has.
Finally pay attention to the material at the bottom of her dress it looks cut off.
May be her foot would push it out further to support her outstretched arm.

I have thought about getting a mannequin but it will still be hard to make use of IMO
without some figure drawing experience.
Currently I go to two Life drawing and two portrait sessions a week.
It's pretty bloody tiring but I have noticed a real change in my drawing
and a change in how I view images that I didn't expect.

And don't expect these things to have any real change for some time.
It's all long term stuff but worth it.
Looking forward to seeing more drawings from Trevor :thumbsup: