AI steals jobs right here in my home town!

new algorithm makes Robots extremely good at balancing.
this is a basic algorithm and can therefore be applied to biped Robots also.

Based on your passion, interest..
You really should consider switching occupation to design, or work with robotic behavior and development and controlling, than working with the human ones.

it´s easier to pull the plug if they aren´t working as they should.
No, I haven't. I was going to, but just never got around to it. What's going there?
tou much unfocused chatting, if you like that.
I wasn´t supposed to go there, I don´t like how you discuss topics, it´s more of a chat tool, but so many chat posts are getting lost since they are all stacked in time when posted, that is for the basic yammering section, then you have the share tutorial section, and tips section.

Then there is "focused forums" but I don´t fancy those either, I prefer the old forum, as we had in here, and the new lw digital forum is not It.
So unfortunately..discord is the only place where there is some action, it´s just a mess of actions..that´s the problem.
AI is replacing people in the small town I live in. With the help of AI and Automation I replaced my lawn guy with a Robot Lawn Mower. One down, millions to go. Everyone has to do their part.

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