wide screen


New member
i am trying to burn the DVD in 16:9 format, and i've tried rendering the project in 16:9 and importing as such into DVD workshop. still doesn't work.
i don't see any given options to change the standard 4:3 format that it automatically creates.
as a product, i get elongated image.

does anyone know how can i do this?
Render it to an M2P from SpeedEdit, selecting one of the presets (higher bandwidth the better) that is 16:9. Import that into DVDWS, and DVDWS will not re-render the video, it will just convert it to a VOB.
Render it to an M2P from SpeedEdit, selecting one of the presets (higher bandwidth the better) that is 16:9. Import that into DVDWS, and DVDWS will not re-render the video, it will just convert it to a VOB.
Hmmm. Interesting you served that little goodie up, Bill. Had no idea.

So-o-o-o-o-o ... Out of all the compression formats SpeedEDIT can render out to, is M2P the only one that DVD Workshop SE will handle, without the proclivity for jumping through another rendering hoop?

DVD Workshop 2 will happily accept program or elementary MPEG-2 streams, that as long as they are within spec, will not require re-rendering.

I would expect DVD Workshop SE to work the same.