Two small typos, really miniscule


Axes grinder- Dongle #99
page 1064:

This option, off by default, let’s LightWave deal with Maya scenes where
a deformed mesh is not in the same hierarchy as the bones. In LightWave, we usually have bones
parented to the mesh directly (that’s how LightWave understands what he has to deform using the
bones). For a Motion Capture workflow to work properly, this option needs to be off.​

1) the apostrophe in the first line is wrong.
2) "what he" is wrong, in English.
Guessing this wasn't written by Ben, he's a grammar and spelling guru!
I think you can raise bug reports on the documentation, not sure though?!
Generally I post here and as a bug report.

Mostly to pimp the concept of "crowd-enhanced" dox: short version= Ben writes it, we add to it.