Toss Denis a few coins for continuing development of color management and denoising tools

His site is currently now demanding a login,..hopefully it´s not because of me, I did copy descriptions of his lights and pasted in another that wasn´t upsetting or breaking any rules there.
His site is still not accessable, anyone else having the same issue, has he perphaps left his previousl free model?
Perhaps he has something going on with the new Lightwave Digital team.

Hi, no, the web service is shutting down, so he has no choice.

will he move the content elsewhere?

some LightWave users offered to help, we shall see.

Hi, no, the web service is shutting down, so he has no choice.

will he move the content elsewhere?

some LightWave users offered to help, we shall see.

The amount of data he has to put up is not that much in size..I believe?
He could try any free page builder web platform, version would even though, but he will not get his
own domain name and lousy visibility on google, but as a page providing those could be without any cost really, apart from the time to put it together.
That´s the free alternative, for his own domain name, and visibility, it of course comes at a cost.

Or ..make a deal with the Lightwave Digital group, where they can host third party developers plugins on a site they are providing, for the benefit of all..maybe?
Lightwave digital may benefit from it by being able to provide more power to the lightwave users, and also helping Denis out with any webhosting cost.

The amount of data he has to put up is not that much in size..I believe?
it is about 50MB.

several LightWavers offered help, afaik.
so hopefully things get solved.

if all falls short, yes, perhaps LWD can chime in.

it is about 50MB.

several LightWavers offered help, afaik.
so hopefully things get solved.

if all falls short, yes, perhaps LWD can chime in.
Wix gives you 500 mb of free storage, free wix version, not payed for..without domain name .

yes, that could also work,

yes, that could also work,

You can do a lot with the free versions, and I like how easy it is to design and move elements, duplicate the site or setup several sites with different themes.
Downsides are..

- Horrible indexing for Google and search results ( which may be adressed by paying with prescription and the SEO optimizing)
- You can not export the site to another webhosting service, should wix go bad, as I am aware of, (this is the same though regardless of free of payed version)
- No domain name, unless choosing a commercial plan.

Pricing not sure right now, it used to be fairly good, though squarespace I think is a bit cheaper, though you have no free version for squarespace, only a 14 day trial, and it´s page building isn´t as flexibly as wix in my opinion.
The provided start up themes to choose from may be better in squarespace though.

Experimental sites, sites I had no time or passion to continue with though..might continue with that some day though, but not for several months.
Would be quite easy to make a site much better looking than what Denis have today, getting inversed chronologic order for the plugins as well while doing a new one.

A problem would perhaps be the paypal donation with a free version, you can install the donate plugins for free ..but make them work I believe requires prescription models on wix.

And of course he should get more payed for the things he does way or another, If Lightwave develops enough to the point I will upgrade, I will start to contribute more to that..but it is all dependent on how Lightwave develops ..and me seeing Lightwave as a tool to use in the future rather than using blender like 90 %.

I believe I got one user hooked up on one of the sites, can´t recall who though 😁

Pricing plan for wix, I see now that they are much more expensive than some years ago..but considering everythings ecomic value and inflations etc..well.
I think they had around 8.50 USD per month For the cheapest plan, now that is 16 USD per month.
So one has to compare with web hotel services for Wordpress, and perhaps squarespace or other page builder platforms.

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