Spark is Dim


New member
Followed the setup for Spark HDMI today. No device found. Submitted ticket. Awaiting reply. So much for the simplicity of plug 'n play.

Also, please come up with portable power for the device. As others have said, what's the point of wireless operation if you're tethered to a wall socket?
Spark defaults to getting its ip address from DHCP. If for *any reason it does not detect a DHCP server in a reasonable amount of time, it fails over to a static ip. At any time, though, you can connect to the Local Link ip and set it up manually. (Personally, I'd probably do a factory reset and try again if I thought that had happened. That would restore the default DHCP setting.)

* This can happen, for example, if you power it up for awhile before connecting it to a network with a DHCP server.

As a rule,if you carefully follow the steps in docs, it works as expected. And I've never once see the failsafe approach fail, but it's a bit of a pain. Maybe if you tell us a little more about your attempt we can help.
Are you trying to connect it to a NewTek Device or third Party Software? Are you able to connect it to NDI Studio Monitor?
Are you trying to connect it to a NewTek Device or third Party Software? Are you able to connect it to NDI Studio Monitor?
I'm guessing not, or at least that was my take from "No device found." But I suppose you could be right, this might be some other system altogether.
I see in your support case that you are trying to connect a Spark to your Talkshows which you have ProTek Coverage on. The fastest way to get support is to call in using your ProTek ID.
I understand what you're saying about the DHCP, etc. I need to get going on this to make it work today, so, probably best to connect with ProTek support rather than typing back and forth for now. I followed the steps in the setup doc according to the instructions up to Step 4...then the wheels fall off...nothing happens. there is nothing to select in menu gadget to view NDI sources.

#6. Use the NewTek Studio Monitor application installed with your NDI®|HX driver to locate Spark on the network as follows:
a. Click the menu gadget at upper-left to view NDI sources
b. Select your Spark
c. Then click the gear icon at lower right when your mouse pointer is over Studio Monitor
to view Spark’s webpage.
... probably best to connect with ProTek support rather than typing back and forth for now.

a. Click the menu gadget at upper-left to view NDI sources
b. Select your Spark
Just to speculate, it can take a few moments - usually less, but let's say up to a minute or 90 seconds - for Spark to be detected, assuming it was powered up after connection. Assuming you've passed that point, it seems likely to me that one of two things is going on:

  • There is a network issue, such as a Firewall rule on your TalkShow (this wouldn't surprise me).
  • Or Spark has kicked over to the static ip address for some reason.
here's a procedure in the docs for getting to the web page when the latter occurs, but it's probably easier just to reset to factory defaults using the old school paper-clip method (hold the reset button down for 4-5 seconds). This would reinstate DHCP. I'd do the reset while connected, to make sure that DHCP kicked in.

I'm sorry this happened to you, it really is a great experience normally.