Restore Down/Maximize option for TalkShow app


New member

when we open TS application we can't resize the window, we can only minimize or close it, so we need to install 2 monitors to open TS and Skype and to be able to work properly on the system, our unit is installed on KVM switch so we can't put 2 monitor only for the talkshow.
could you please add Restore Down/Maximize option.

Thank you,
I see your problem, but to explain: It's not really ideal to run the SkypeTX control application directly on TalkShow, although as you know, it is allowed. But since it is basically only necessary to connect calls, when you only have one monitor the expectation is that you will run it over the TalkShow desktop, and size/minimize/restore it (SkypeTX Control).
Hi Steve,

I can agree with you if the Display button on the TS application is working, and TS take over the task bar so it's always you need to minimize the page open SkypeTX open back TSand to change setting on TS minimize back SkypeTX .... so it's not practical.

Thank you,