Relativity HTML Docs

No - the HTML docs and the NewTek docs in the manual are basically the whole kit and kaboodle.

Prem sold Relativity to NewTek and did some contract work for them to bring Relativity up to specification. So far as I'm aware, he's no longer doing anything LW-related, and that includes supporting his products/customers. I've not been able to get a reply out of him for over 3 years now.
ehm that mean you have the code of relativity and this isn't another good features of lw that will going to die... really?
NewTek has the full code of Relativity, and own it lock, stock and barrel. None of Prem's other works are available or owned by anyone other than Prem. Sadly.
I can't download that zip file, Marvin. I get 1.6 mb , then nothing, and it stays as a "part" of something that never gets completely downloaded.

I've tried it a dozen or more times, without success.
I can't download that zip file, Marvin. I get 1.6 mb , then nothing, and it stays as a "part" of something that never gets completely downloaded.

I've tried it a dozen or more times, without success.

Nevermind - it was some bizarre system problem that got magically fixed when I restarted. Doh!
Husky or Wolf?

Attached is the HTML documentation of Relativity (pre-LightWave v9.0). These are older documentents intended for users of the Relativity plug-in before it was a part of LightWave v9.0.

View attachment 56707

Thanks for the links, but your Avatar looks like my old SilverTimber and pure brown eye Sara malimute. Had 2 litter of 9 HyBreds and a litter of 5 females, Bandit ate the male cubs!

Never barked, only bayed.