Print/Save Snapshot

In the dialog that opens up you only have 2 formats jpg or tif, Im not sure if the tif is saved with alpha. The triocommand that is being sent doesnt really give you much in terms of customization. trio:save_snapshots 1000,1001,1002, but you can just make a macro to save a snapshot via the other suggested option i gave you that will do the same, but give you rgba as an option. What do you use the snapshots for, if I may ask? is this part of a producer preview workflow or something?
I have 2 macros for snapshots that are very handy:
The first one is for the engine that has a live input in the background, we see the incoming feed as it happens, In Trio I fire off this macro and it will make a snapshot page in Trio which is basically a grabber. It takes a snapshot of the feed and saves it as a new page, the snapshot is then saved to a path in the GraphicHub from the Engine set in the profile.
settings:set_setting snapshot/imagepath IMAGE
settings:set_setting snapshot/channel SCOREBOARD

The other macro just creates the grabberpage and saves the content to a new page, ready for playout. This is great for Breaking news when you just need a recap of the event that happened.
Yes, it is for the production of marketing and advertising. I will try back from Christmas and I will tell you which has been the best option.
I have tried this option and it actually only saves in Tiff and Jpeg without RGBA. And it is not valid for me.
these trio-commands did work for a long time but suddenly trio crashed when using them
        TrioCmd("gui:take_snapshot_rgba IMAGE*FD3/tmp " & triochannel)
        command = "IMAGE*FD3/tmp EXPORT " & chr(34) & compl & chr(34) & " PNG"
        TrioCmd("channelcontrol:wait_vizcmd_to_channel " & triochannel & " " & command )

so i changed to viz-commands...
public const strPath = "X:\saveto\path\"
public const strGhDir = "GhDir/tmp"


function snapshot()
    dim triochannel : triochannel = TrioCmd("channelcontrol:get_program_channel")
    dim suggest : suggest = "File1"
    dim fname : fname = strPath & inputbox("Filename please",,suggest)
    dim cmd

    cmd = "IMAGE SNAPSHOT " & chr(34) & "FD3/tmp" & chr(34) & " RGBA 1920 1080"
    TrioCmd("trio:send_vizcmd_to_channel " & triochannel & " " & cmd)
    cmd = "IMAGE EXPORT " & chr(34) & "FD3/tmp" & chr(34) & " " & chr(34) & fname & chr(34) & " png"
    TrioCmd("trio:send_vizcmd_to_channel " & triochannel & " " & cmd)
end function
