Play bar jumping to beginning of clip...


The African Savannah...
I really hate how the play bar jumps around. You set it at a specific frame, then zoom in on the timeline, then you click the clip again to make sure the correct thing is selected before cutting, or whatever, and boom: the play bar jumps to the beginning of the clip, or the beginning of the project. That is highly annoying! We need a preference to disable this jumping around. When I set the play bar, I don't want it to move anywhere until I tell it!

I don't see such an option there. The only options are jump to start, end or center. I don't want any jumping. That's where there should be an "off" option.
Oh my.... I don't think I would have ever found it there - in plain sight! I was looking in preferences (which is probably where such a setting should be...).
Thanks, Steve! I guess I should have complained sooner! I have put up with this frustration for a long time.