Output NDI from Unreal 4.27 Game?


New member
Hey there,

I have an Unreal game that I'm trying to get to output NDI, for projection.

I've followed this guide:
and it works as expected: I can drag in an NDI Broadcast Actor, wire it up as in the video, and it will output NDI.

However it outputs what the camera sees, and that is not very helpful: the game already has its own cameras, that it controls in a bunch of complex ways in C++.

What I'd really like is the ability to output the final framebuffer (after post-processing etc) to NDI.

Failing that, I guess I could write code to look for the NDI camera, and if found, update its transform / FOV every frame to the same transform as the final game camera.

Before I dig into trying that, I thought I'd ask whether this is the intended path for people who want to output the final output of their UE games/apps to NDI?


An update:

Setting the transform of the NDI Broadcast Actor to that of my Pawn's camera every frame works.

However, I don't get any UI that way - only what the camera sees.

I'm also not sure I'm getting final anti-aliasing etc, but it's hard to tell for sure.
A further update:

when I try to make a build of my game, using the command line:

C:\UE_4.27\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\RunUAT.bat BuildCookRun -project=C:/Dev/HappyPlace/HappyPlace.uproject -ScriptsForProject=C:/Dev/HappyPlace/HappyPlace.uproject -target=HappyPlace -platform=Win64 -CrashReporter -clientconfig=Development -build -cook -stage -deploy -iterate -pak -prereqs -CrashReporter -archive -archivedirectory=C:/Dev/HappyPlace/Build

I get the error:

 ERROR: Missing precompiled manifest for 'NDIIO'. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build - set 'PrecompileForTargets = PrecompileTargetsType.Any;' in NDIIO.build.cs to override.

Adding the suggested line to NDIIO.build.cs does not change this error.