New PC - I9 Processor?


New member
Dear All,

Im looking to buy a new desktop PC, im a little old school and still use basic LW rendering through the CPU, i test Octane, but really not for me and want to still to the native LW rendering.

I was just wondering if there was a specific hardware/processor option i should go for as I'm just about the build a new PC.

I was going to go with a Intel Core i9 11900K, just pondering outside thoughts?, as im not 100% sure what drives the power of the LW renderer apart from the CPU.

Many thanks,
I can't confirm this, but as far as I am aware, AMD have better performing CPUs thank Intel at the moment. So if I were you, I'd seriously consider investigating some of the higher end AMD Threadripper models.

I'm sure someone here that's more experienced can chime in but that would be my suggestion.
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