Need help making a unique camera lens


New member
Need help making a unique camera lens.

I will explain the project,

We are making a 360? degree video projection, but the room is not 360, its actually shaped a little like a boat 10mtrs in length 3mtrs width and each end is curved.

We will be projecting a sea voyage, multiple projectors will beam the images on the walls. The audience stands in the middle, it should basically look real, like they are looking out of a window.

We did this with another project a circular room and 360 camera, rendered image 10000k by1000. cut it up and beamed it and flying through clouds.

at around 2mins into video you see it.

So what I need to do is make the rooms shape a lens, Move this lens through the scene, and then render out a 10000k by 1000k realistic images.

I looked at the tutorial on newtek act lens looks great, I am completely stuck Cant even make a UV on a simple shape and get it to render. More of a layout user, lighting and so on.

Thanks for any help

don't quite understand what you are stuck on. Are you shure the shape of the lens needs to be the shape of the room? That kind of shape makes it impossible for everyone to view the images correctly (what looks right up close will look distorted to the people in the back.) that is just how it is.
the lens

I am stuck on taking my object/room placing the correct type of UV map on it so I can use it as a lens.

When I render out a image in lightwave it should be one image with 2 long sides undistorted the front and back sides undistorted and four corners which will be distorted. and layed out correctly. i.e right hand wall, right hand corner, front, left front corner.

unfortunately I am not a modeler, and have no knowledge of uvs.

In a 360 room and 360 camera works amazingly. already done this.
Making UVs works like this.

once you have your object in modeler go to the bottom right and you will see 5 clickable buttons with letters on them.


Those letters correspond to different types of mapping tools, Weight maps, Texture UV maps, Morph maps, vertex Color maps, and point Selection sets.

We only care about the T for now, so click on the T and on the dropdown button next to the mapping types select new. A new window will pop up where you can (and should) give it a name like "WallsUV", the rest of the controls help you wrap your texture on that object in different ways. Planar spherical, cylindrical and atlas. For your object in particular I would choose cilindrical, and choose the appropriate axis (should be Y if your walls are oriented properly) and click on create.

Nothing seems to happen. but you have just created a UV map. Open the surface editor and when you select UV as a the projection type, you will be able to choose the UV you just created on the dropdown that appears just below the projection type, "WallsUV" if you so named it.

To test it out, select an image on the drop down menu just below the uv name. It should look as if you used cylindrical mapping on your surface, but now you can edit the UV and control how much distortion happens in each area.

To edit the UV make sure the T button is on, and your UV is selected on the dropdown list next to the letters. Now switch one of the viewports to UV texture (I usually change my top view) You should see the geometry now but "unwrapped". if you move vertices on the UV view you will notice the changes of distortion on the image.
Hope that is clear enough, I gotta get back to work.