Lightwave update question


New member
I'm thrilled to see lightwave being resurrected from the dead. I know if Larry (Schultz) were here he'd be over the moon. (I still miss him) My first question concerns the cloth engine. From what I've seen so far, no ones mentioned it. Has it been updated in the new version?
Go to the proper forum for that, which is no longer here on these forums, Lightwave threads have been closed over here, so go here..

To post questions you have to login, create an account if you do not have it yet.
PS, the forum is not very good in function or looks misses some vital things, they intend to fix that but meanwhile I think users may not be there to help out.
, you may try their discord or facebook.

There is no Free Demotrial publicly available, you have to ask them by e.mail to set an account up for that.