Importing VT3 CG files into VT5?


Newtek Elite Partner
New VT5 install. Customer reported problems with a CG file created in VT3, played in 'CG Player' assigned to DSK. Pages would not key unless same source on both PVW and MAIN switcher rows.

I had him do a reset configs, then build a new CG project and test. Worked fine.

Is there a known problem when importing .cg files created in VT3 into the VT5? Can the image files be imported into a new VT5 .cg file, even if the VT3 .cg file can't be?

Right now I have him only using .cg files created in VT5, but he has a bunch of slates that he built in VT3 that he needs to use.

Thanks for your help.