I actually managed to figure out cellular noise


eye kan kode gud
I wanted to see if I could figure out a cellular noise node before reading up on the Worley algorithm (which gives more interesting results, IMHO). Took me a whole freakin' day, but I got there.

The hard part is going to be implementing bump vector generation without absolutely killing render times.

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  • Simplex_Cellular.jpg
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Did some refactoring, and also tried an LCG random-number generator, but it gave artifacty results compared to using the simplex noise for the coordinate distortion routine. A Worley cellular noise node will definitely be faster, but this one works out pretty well visually, especially when using a lot of octaves (which is where using the LCG rng directly tended to fail).

//  Cellular_Noise.cpp
//  RainyBrain_Nodes
//  Author: Bradley Wilson
//  E-Mail: [email protected]
//  Public Domain, Zero Restrictions

// ============================================================================ Standard Includes
// Standard Includes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <cmath>

// ============================================================================ RainyBrain Includes
// RainyBrain Includes
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "../Types/LWTypes.h"

#include "Cellular_Noise.h"

namespace Noise
    // ======================================================================== Noise Generators
    // Noise Generators
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Generate (3D)
    Cellular_Result Cellular::Generate( const double x,
                                        const double y,
                                        const double z )
        // Construct points representing the corners of
        // a 3x3 integer box region surrounding the incoming
        // point.
        LWTypes::LWDVector corners[64];
        const double x_floor = std::floor(x);
        const double y_floor = std::floor(y);
        const double z_floor = std::floor(z);
        const double x_ceil  = std::ceil (x);
        const double y_ceil  = std::ceil (y);
        const double z_ceil  = std::ceil (z);
        const double x_coords[4] = { x_floor - 1.0, x_floor, x_ceil, x_ceil + 1.0 };
        const double y_coords[4] = { y_floor - 1.0, y_floor, y_ceil, y_ceil + 1.0 };
        const double z_coords[4] = { z_floor - 1.0, z_floor, z_ceil, z_ceil + 1.0 };
        for ( int ix = 0, icorner = 0; ix < 4; ++ix )
            for ( int iy = 0; iy < 4; ++iy, icorner += 4 )
                corners[ icorner     ] = LWTypes::LWDVector( x_coords[ix], y_coords[iy], z_coords[0] );
                corners[ icorner + 1 ] = LWTypes::LWDVector( x_coords[ix], y_coords[iy], z_coords[1] );
                corners[ icorner + 2 ] = LWTypes::LWDVector( x_coords[ix], y_coords[iy], z_coords[2] );
                corners[ icorner + 3 ] = LWTypes::LWDVector( x_coords[ix], y_coords[iy], z_coords[3] );
        // Create set of distorted corner points deviating at
        // most 0.5 units from the original coordinate.
        LWTypes::LWDVector distorted_corners[64];
        auto Distort_Point = [&](LWTypes::LWDVector point) -> LWTypes::LWDVector
            const Noise::Simplex_Result simplex_noise( Noise::Simplex::Generate( point.X(), point.Y(), point.Z() ) );
            return LWTypes::LWDVector ( point.X() + simplex_noise.Noise_dX * 0.25,
                                        point.Y() + simplex_noise.Noise_dY * 0.25,
                                        point.Z() + simplex_noise.Noise_dZ * 0.25 );
        for ( unsigned i = 0; i < 64; ++i )
            distorted_corners[i] = Distort_Point( corners[i] );
        // Find distorted corner closest to incoming point
        const LWTypes::LWDVector xyz_prime( x, y, z );
        unsigned closest_corner_index     = 0;
        double   closest_distance_squared = Math::Distance_Squared( xyz_prime, distorted_corners[0] );
        for ( unsigned   current_corner_index = 1;
                         current_corner_index < 64;
            const double distorted_distance_squared = Math::Distance_Squared( xyz_prime, distorted_corners[current_corner_index] );
            if ( distorted_distance_squared < closest_distance_squared )
                closest_corner_index     = current_corner_index;
                closest_distance_squared = distorted_distance_squared;
        // Return distance scaled to [-1, 1] and region
        const double             downsample     ( 0.625 );
        const LWTypes::LWDVector closest_corner ( distorted_corners[closest_corner_index] );
        return Cellular_Result( (closest_distance_squared * downsample * 2.0) - 1.0,
                                Noise::Simplex::Generate( closest_corner.X(),
                                                          Gradient_Flags_t::No_Gradients ).Noise_01() );

The constant I use for scaling down the output was determined by trial-and-error because I don't math well.
Final verdict: pretty-looking, but slow and doesn't do anything a fully-featured Worley noise node wouldn't do. It was an interesting experiment, but I'm going to scrap this one and just move on to a good Worley implementation.
hey jrandom, don't understand a things but it is always nice to see ppl stretching things to get somewhere :)

There's not a lot of activity in this forum, so I talk a lot and post code in the hopes that it might help out any random newbie node devs who stumble through here.
(My development cycle has slowed down greatly since I installed Skyrim on my XBox. In retrospect, that may have not been the greatest idea ever.)
Nodes are great and highly-intuitive. You have to completely ditch the "layer" mindset, though. :) Instead of layering things on top of each other, you're plugging outputs into inputs. It's wonderfully powerful.
If I can get Worley noise working this weekend, I'll go ahead and post the entire codebase so anyone who's trying to implement procedural texture nodes can take a look. (I won't actually be compiling the final binaries for win/mac as I don't want it to bo an official release until I get a wider variety of texture nodes implemented, so it'll be a source-only sorta deal.)

And to think this all started because I wanted a better Brick node...
As promised, C++11 source code for Simplex and Worley Cellular noise types. The actual noise algorithms are in Noise/ and the nodes themselves are in RainyBrain_Nodes/Textures_3D.

The code could certainly stand for some refactoring and the Worley node doesn't have bump map generation implemented yet, but the basics are all there.

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  • Demo Proc 3D Nodes.zip
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Here you go, Bonds. The standard running bond that LW and others produce is common on modern buildings that use brickwork as a decorative skin over blocks or concrete slab, but anything older than 50 years or so will use one of the alternating bonds as they are structural. I wouldn't fret about all of them, but English, Flemish, and possibly garden wall or American should do 99% of applications.

Oh, and if you haven't seen the DP Renderman brickwork node, have a look at it, it does some interesting things.