Control Camera Height


Is there a way in LW to control how far the camera is away from an object or terrain? I am currently working on a project that requires the camera to move along an uneven terrain.

This is what I have done so far:

1. I have setup a simple rig that is rigged to a Doorway Dolly that I modeled.
2. Dolly is then treated as a car. It is rigged and collides to the ground so it can move along the terrain.
3. Camera is parented to a pole on the Dolly to establish correct height from the ground.
4. The Camera then follows the character or other vehicles. Similar to using a camera in production.

Here lies the problem: When the camera goes through uneven terrain or through a valley for example. I have to take extra steps when it goes around a corner to the left or the right. When the camera goes up hill I get a good shot of the sky for a couple of extra seconds. Even though the camera follows the other object it still has to look up when the dolly looks up.
Is there anything out there besides Craft Animation studio? They don't work for Lightwave and doesn't look there is any plans for the future with that. Thanks.
Look into the Relativity tools: there's plenty there for that.

A lot of what you describe is what you would have to 'fix' on an automatic system, too.

For example, in the motions panel, you have a look ahead setting. Even with this, one still wants to tweak the motion afterward.

Clipping plane adjustments might help but I don't believe by much.
Thanks for quick reply.

I will have to check that out some more. I all ready put so much into my rig all ready I may just stick with that. I may have to do a little more tweaking with the rig to get what I need though. Thanks.
I found a plug-in that helps with camera height. I have yet to use it since it is only in 32 Bit and everything I have been using is in 64 Bit. Here is the link It is called "Ground those Objects". I am going to try and get it to work this week. I may be able to export the camera animation to Nuke via the Mental Fish plug-in. LW to Nuke Export.

If it works this will save me lots of time.

I checked out the video, thanks for the link. This looks like it will be very useful with the camera. Thanks.