Compatibility update for recent AMD CPUs

John Perkins

NewTek Staff
Thanks to Digital Arts sending us a machine with the problem, we have identified an issue relating to CPU capability detection with newer AMD CPUs.

This problem would present different symptoms on SpeedEDIT2 vs. LiveText, but had the same cause.

The symptoms were LiveText silently exiting during the splash screen or SE running, then silently exiting when any files were added to the project.

If you are currently having this issue, please contact tech support for the replacement dll needed to fix the issue. The same dll will work for both LiveText and SpeedEDIT2.

This DLL is safe to use on all CPU's, but is only needed if you are experiencing these symptoms.

Thanks again to Digital Arts!
Ah. Ok, I'm hopeful to reach someone at support soon. I could really use the files right now. :)
I attached it here for posterity :thumbsup:

If you're not having this specific problem, there is absolutely no reason to use this file. It presents with very specific symptoms.

Just unzip, then replace the nt_tools.dll in the application's folder.

The dll will work with current LiveText and SpeedEDIT revisions.


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