4 Point Particle Emitter Offsets


New member
Hi all,

I am trying to create a laser effects for an X-Wing fighter.

This is a FX emitter based off points located at the tips of the cannons. The Lasers themselves are textured geometry.

Obviously this is the effect i get, which is not quite right as anyone who know star wars, the X-Wing doesn't fire all 4 lasers at the same time, but for the life of me I cannot seems to get this working correctly.

I was wondering if anyone had any solutions, or maybe a better idea as i have used the same system for 10 years.

WhatsApp Image 2023-03-29 at 09.46.40.jpg
I think he means the cyclic firing of the four wing mounted cannon.

I'm not familiar enough with particles to offer more than a suggestion to look for time based delays to start spawning particles, for for how long they're to emit particles?